Monday, January 24, 2011

The Road to Law School

Today I went to a meeting for the Law Network on my campus. There were some great speakers, all of who received their L.L.B degree and either practice law or work in similar fields today. We discussed the amount of work that it takes to become a lawyer and even after you graduate most big firms require you to work a total of 1700-2000 hours. My point is that it doesn't just take hard work to graduate from law school but even more work when you join the workforce. I plan to go to law school after graduating from my Bachelor of Business Admin program next year. I have begun researching law schools and have found  a for-sure 5 maybe 6 law schools to apply to. I plan to take most courses focusing in criminal law because I want to be a prosecutor but also take some courses in corporate law that will fit well with the business degree. I believe that the law is there for societies protection and those who break the law should be punished!

Trivia of the Day: How many law schools are there in Canada?


Friday, January 21, 2011

Changing the World, One Super Hero at a Time!

I won't be blogging about any world changing events, just a little of this and that. I just got back from the theatre with a friend and we watched the Green Hornet and it was amazing. There was some good a** kicking and it was pretty funny. I feel inspired (lol), I suggested that we take a car that we borrowed from a friend and transform it into the ultimate green hornet and bust some criminals downtown. Probably not the best idea in the "Real World" but it was a good thought. If you're looking for something to do this weekend  I recommend you go see the movie!

Well, that's all I'm going to write about tonight as I am tired and it's Friday, but I'm feeling that tomorrow my inspiration will be Vampires:) 

Trivia of the day: Who acts in the movie as the Green Hornet?

Blogging on the Island

Thursday, January 20, 2011

America’s Battle on the Debate over Guns: Do Guns Cause Less or More Crime?

I'm sure you have read this title and said to yourself, "that's a bunch of crap" or "this can't be true" and I don't plan to lay everything out for you or necessarily prove it to you but I have found many (I will only mention a couple) statistics showing that in the U.S where gun ownership is high, crime rates tend to be low as apposed to countries where gun ownership is restricted and the result is a much higher crime rate. This blog is basically me voicing my opinion and how I perceive the facts on guns causing less crime.  

Gun laws and gun ownership has been a controversial topic among politicians, anti-gun groups and gun activists, and continues to be a hot topic today. It has been said and believed for years that the more guns there are, the more crime there will be. Could what has been en-grained in our beliefs be wrong? Could more guns cause less crime? Statistics in the United States show that within a 25-year period between 1973-97, handgun ownership increased 163%, while at this time homicides decreased 27.7% and persistently fell with an increase in gun ownership(Kates). I think that Law-abiding citizens should be allowed to own and carry concealed guns to protect themselves from those who are not law abiding. The statement “guns don’t kill, people kill” is one that is often brought up in the debate on guns. John Lott, a research scientist from the University of Maryland, has done studies showing that the more guns there are, the less crime there is. Lott says that “guns make it easier for bad things to happen, but they also make it easier to prevent bad things from happening”(Lott).

I'm not saying that guns are a good thing because we all know that bad things can happen when guns fall into the wrong hands but the law abiding citizens who take the necessary safety courses should not be penalized by not being able to own a gun for recreational purposes or if needed for protection (within reason and the law) against criminals. Let me know what you think about the issue, don't be shy (but polite) debate is great for the brain! Remember that this information is based only for the U.S and not Canada as for there is no Right-to-Carry laws in Canada.

Trivia of the day: How many U.S states have Right-to-Carry laws?


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Freedom of Speech

Today in my Law class we were discussing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There was a lot of discussion focused on how many individuals abuse the freedom of expression, they think they can say and do whatever they want because it's their absolute right! Well guess what, it's not always your right! for instance it can't go against the constitution (Supreme Law of Canada) or if what you say or do is not seen as "reasonable" according the community standards then you are breaking the law (refer to quote below). Some argue that this infringes on their freedom of expression but they would be wrong. The law is there to protect us (society) from discrimination of race, religion, gender, age, colour and etc. So those of you who think it's "Your Right" to discriminate or express yourself, then you first need to (really) know the limitations regarding the Freedom of Expression and wonder if what you are saying (or) doing would be considered reasonable in terms of a communities standards. 

Sec 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says "The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society"

In discussion today regarding the rights of people we talked about same sex marriage and how the bill is not being passed in legislation. I believe that parliament is using the fact that marriage is defined as being between a man and a women, not those of the same sex. This is a very controversial topic and in time I believe that you will see this bill passed as parliament grows and realizes that it may just infringe on an individuals rights. One last thing that I would like to say is that when you're in a classroom or anywhere for that matter if you don't agree with same sex marriage then come up with a better  response than, "because it's dumb". This is what a classmate thought of same sex marriage and yes it's their right to voice their opinion but at least give some reason and logic behind it!

Trivia of the day:When was the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms included in the Constitution Act?


Conquering The (my little) World


Do you ever have those days where you feel like you could conquer the world? Today is one of those days! you may think what I'm about to tell you could be epic, like saving the world, when really I'm just out to conquer that art of the Piano! Ya not so interesting but it's another one of my new brain waves to find yet another hobby. Did I tell you that my soon-to-be hobby, after I get my non-restricted and restricted gun licence next week, is to join a club at the local fish and game. You may be asking yourself, who is this person and what are they like? Well I'm the average (in my perception) young adult, not too girly-not to boyish, easygoing, likeable and fun of course. In my free time (which is very little because of school) I LOVE to read, usually a couple books a week, I volunteer, I hang out with friends & family and I love to shop of course. I went to the mall the other week determined to buy myself a pair of UGGS that I thought I wanted. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like things if everyone else likes them, for instance; UGGS everybody has them or watching vampire diaries, even my love for the Twilight BOOKS! I secretly like these all but at the same time I secretly hate them. I guess that's because we are so use to conforming to the "norm" of the people we are surrounded with everyday, oh and excellent marketing techniques also.
Trivia of the day: What animal outruns their prey rather than stalk it?

That's all for now,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Getting Started!


This is the first of my blog, I'm not sure yet what I will write about, probably a variety of things about myself, school and whatever else I feel like sharing. I'm from a very small town of about 500, where you know the name of your neighbours dog. I am currently in my third year of Bachelor of Business at blank university (not ready to share that yet):) and hope to head off to Law school when I graduate, but you will have to wait and see just like me! One more thing... Jenn is short for Jennifer and I have a famous last name, can you guess?
